All open burning in areas under the jurisdiction of the Mead Rural Protection District Fire and Contracted areas owned by the University of Nebraska shall require a permit as set forth by Nebraska State Statute 81-520.01.
Permits can be obtained from the following Mead Fire Department Members:
Scott Selko : Bank of Mead
George Robertson: Mead Fire Station 402-624-3610
Check our Coverage Map to ensure you are in our jurisdiction.
The following permit requirements shall be met:
1. Obtain a Burn Permit – Permits may be issued for up to 30 days at the discretion of the Fire Chief or Representative. Permits are only valid within the Mead Rural Fire District jurisdiction and contracted areas owned by the University of Nebraska
2. The permit holder must contact Saunders County Dispatch at 402-443-1000 prior to starting and at the completion of burning. Saunders County Dispatch will approve or Deny Burning at the direction of the Mead Fire Chief
3. Materials shall be limited to wood, brush, grass, leaves and similar natural vegetation. Absolutely no rubbish or trash shall be burned. Additional permit may be required to be obtained from the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality or the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services.
4. An area of 15 feet around the burn pile shall be maintained clear of any combustible material
5. Burn piles shall be a minimum of 50 feet from any structure
6. Burning will only be allowed during Daylight hours only
7. A fire extinguisher with a minimum of a 4-A rating, a water hose or a shovel with available dirt or sand is recommended to have on hand while burning
8. A responsible adult of at least 18 years of age shall be in constant attendance of the open burn and must have the original valid burn permit with them while burning. The burn permit must be presented upon request of Mead Fire Department Personnel, State Fire Marshal or Law Enforcement official.
9. Open burning shall not be allowed on days where winds are in excess of 15 mph, Red Flag Days or when the Mead Fire Chief enacts a fire ban.
10. Any Mead Rural Fire District representative or Saunders County Sheriff’s Deputy can call for the extinguishment of any open burn deemed to be a nuisance or dangerous condition.
11. Burning within the Village of Mead is not permitted without prior authorization of the Village of Mead, written permission must be presented to the Fire Chief before a permit will be issued.
12. Failure to comply with the rules set forth above may result in revocation of the burn permit for 60 days from the date in which it was issued. After the revocation period a burn permit can only be issued directly from the Mead Fire Chief
13. The permit holder may be charged for fire suppression costs if control of the fire is lost and fire service personnel are called to respond. The Mead Rural Fire District assumes no responsibility for injuries to persons or damage to property that might occur as a result of open burning.
(Only apply to areas outside the Village of Mead)
An outdoor fire burning materials other than rubbish. Typically used for pleasure, religious, ceremonial, cooking, warmth or similar purposes.
No fire permit is required for outdoor fireplaces, fire pits, and other recreational fire appliances. However the following guidelines shall be observed.
1. The maximum fuel area is 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet high.
2. Solid fuel burning appliances may only be fueled by cut or split firewood.
3. Materials such as rubbish, construction materials, paper products, yard debris, branches, leaves, garbage, etc. cannot be burned.
4. Fires that are not contained in an approved burning appliance must be at least 25 feet from a building or combustible materials.
5. Fires that are contained in an approved burning appliance should be no closer than 15 feet from a building or combustible materials.
6. The appliance must utilize a screen or spark arrestor and it must be in place while burning.
7. Any conditions which could cause a fire to spread to within 25 feet of a building shall be eliminated prior to ignition.
8. A fire extinguisher of at least a 4-A rating or a charged water hose is recommended to be in close proximity to the appliance while burning.
9. Fires shall be constantly attended by a responsible adult of at least 18 years of age.
10. The fire shall not be left unattended at any time until the fire is fully extinguished.
11. Fires shall not be ignited if wind exceeds 15 mph.
12. Fires shall not be ignited on days that the National Weather Service issues a Red Flag Warning or when the Mead Rural Fire District enact a full fire ban.
13. The Mead Rural Fire District, State Fire Marshal or Saunders County Sheriff’s Department may order the fire to be discontinued if, in their opinion, the fire constitutes a hazardous condition or produces obnoxious smoke or odors that may cause a public nuisance.
14. Any person who ignites a recreational fire may be charged for fire suppression costs if control of the fire is lost and fire service personnel are called to respond. The Mead Rural Fire Protection District assumes no responsibility for injuries to persons or damage to property that might occur as a result of recreational burning.
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